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  • Writer's pictureKate Taylor Design

Incorporating Coloring Books into Your Daily Routine: A Creative Path to Mindfulness

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of peace and creativity can be challenging. However, there's a simple and enjoyable solution you might not have considered: coloring books. Long considered a pastime for children, coloring books have been rediscovered by adults as a way to relax, destress, and ignite creativity. In this blog post, we'll guide you on how to incorporate coloring books into your daily routine.

A coloring book next to a bedside lamp, representing the idea of evening relaxation.
A coloring book next to a bedside lamp, representing the idea of evening relaxation.

1. Morning Meditation

Mornings are often a rush of activity, but they can also be an opportunity to start your day off on the right foot. Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, consider reaching for a coloring book. This can be a fantastic way to set the tone for your day. By focusing on the repetitive and enjoyable task of coloring, you can start your day in a meditative state of mind. Choose a coloring book with designs that inspire and motivate you, such as nature scenes or motivational quotes. Spend at least 15 minutes coloring while sipping your morning coffee or tea. You'll be surprised how such a simple shift can make your mornings more peaceful and productive.

2. Lunch Break Unwind

Mid-day is the perfect time to take a break and reset your mind, and what better way than with some coloring? Instead of eating at your desk or scrolling through social media during your lunch break, take out your coloring book. Even if you only have a few minutes, spending that time coloring can help you relax and recharge for the rest of the day. Choose a coloring book that fits easily into your bag so you can take it with you to work or wherever you go. If you're able, try to find a quiet, relaxing spot to color. You might even inspire your coworkers to join in and turn it into a shared activity.

3. After Work Wind Down

After a long day of work, it's important to give your mind a chance to wind down. Coloring can be a great activity for this transition period. It's a low-energy task that still keeps your mind engaged. Plus, it's a creative outlet that allows you to express yourself in a non-verbal way. You could choose a coloring book with more complex designs for this time of day, to fully engage your attention and help you transition from the workday to the evening. Spend at least half an hour coloring to let the stress of the day melt away.

4. Evening Relaxation

As part of your bedtime routine, coloring can be a soothing activity that prepares your mind for sleep. The act of coloring can be very meditative, and focusing on it can help push aside the worries and thoughts that can often keep us awake at night. Choose a coloring book with calming designs, like mandalas or peaceful nature scenes, to help promote relaxation. Try to spend some time coloring each night before bed instead of watching TV or using other electronic devices. The light from these devices can interfere with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, so coloring can be a healthier alternative.

5. Family Time Activity

Coloring is a great activity to share with your family, regardless of age. It's an opportunity to spend time together without the distraction of screens. You could have a family coloring session once a week where everyone sits down and colors together. This not only promotes creativity but also allows for bonding time. You could also turn these sessions into a bit of friendly competition with everyone showing off their artwork at the end. These shared moments of creativity can become cherished family memories.

By incorporating coloring into different parts of your day, you can turn ordinary moments into opportunities for relaxation and creativity. Coloring isn't just about creating a beautiful piece of art, it's also about the journey and the moment of peace it can provide in our busy lives. So go ahead and add a splash of color to your daily routine. It might just become your favorite part of the day.


Coloring is more than just a pastime for children; it's a powerful tool for relaxation, stress relief, and creative expression that people of all ages can benefit from. Incorporating coloring books into your daily routine can help create a balance between your responsibilities and moments of creativity and relaxation. So why not grab a coloring book and colored pencils and start exploring this colorful path to mindfulness?


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